Saturday, August 8, 2009

Welcome to Tharuni News

Tharuni is a voluntary organization working for the empowerment of adolescent girls, women and the aged.

'Tharuni' is a Sanskrit term meaning 'a woman in her reproductive age' . It is aptly named so, as it works for Adolescent Girls and women. It was established on February 15, 2000, by Dr. Achanta Mamatha Raghuveer, who has dedicated her life for the all round development of Girl Child. She has a vast experience in the Social Development sector, and has found that the Girl Child who is a future citizen and will contribute heavily to the development of the nation is being neglected and discriminated in the society and at home. Thus she needs all the help and support she can get. With this view Dr Mamatha started Tharuni with the support of a few well trained and dedicated people in Warangal and Hyderabad districts of Andhra Pradesh (India). The main beneficiaries of Tharuni’s activities are adolescent girls and women.

We have opened Tharuni blog for sharing daily updates with all of you.

- 08 Aug 2009

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