SATHI (Society for Assistance to Children in Difficult Situation),Bangalore/Raichur , conducted two day workshop to look into functioning of CWCs , strengthening aspect, to share best practices and experiences among the four States of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, and Goa, at Hubli , on 30th & 31st July 2013. Seventeen CWCs presented six months review of their activities before the Judges. Among them 21 best practices adopted by CWC Warangal , presented by the Chair Person Dr. Mamatha Raghuveer, were very much appreciated and given as the best CWC among all of them. Herself and Sri Thirupathi, Member, received the Award of 15000/- Rupees, and Memento from SATHI and Jamshedji TATA Trust.
CWC Warangal could rescue 248 Child Labour, out of them 109 were given compensation of 4.24 Lakhs, in the mode of National Savings Certificates in their names. CWC also could stop 68 child marriages during that period, rescued many children, infants,taken care at Govt. Homes to be adopted legally later.The amount will be used for the children in distress.
Congratulations to the CWC Team of Members for their sincere efforts in serving the Children in need.
CWC Warangal could rescue 248 Child Labour, out of them 109 were given compensation of 4.24 Lakhs, in the mode of National Savings Certificates in their names. CWC also could stop 68 child marriages during that period, rescued many children, infants,taken care at Govt. Homes to be adopted legally later.The amount will be used for the children in distress.
Congratulations to the CWC Team of Members for their sincere efforts in serving the Children in need.