Dr. Mamatha Raghuveer attended AID International Development Forum Summit from Tues day 16th to 18th Thurs day at the United Nations Conference Center in Bangkok as a Panelist on 'Mobile strategies for aid delivery'. She presented her paper on 'Tharunopayam', a SMS Helpline for women and girls, started by Tharuni in October 2013.It could solve the the problems of more than 1000 women, who cannot reveal their identity and secrets to any one else, could be answered by Tharuni Experts on legal, social, health, beauty, education, employment and so on.
Dr. Mamatha's presentation was appreciated by the International Forum as a good initiative by Tharuni, and involved her in Round Table discussions on Mobile and human development.
Dr. Mamatha's presentation was appreciated by the International Forum as a good initiative by Tharuni, and involved her in Round Table discussions on Mobile and human development.